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Ancient Writings #2

~$ cd ..

To solve this challenge we were given two text files with a .bf extension and were asked to provide the missing line of code that would fit between the to files to make the program give the same output as Ancient Writings #1. Once we had found that line, we had submit it with to a given site that will give us the flag:

>232+*""43*52**5+65+:*4::**3:*21+:** "b"$                 v    >
^"78"v $  $ \ $ \ $<"x32P"    _                           "    v
^|%24<"SC{key_Y3ByZXNzZXk=}"  ^7        *:+33 +*27*7 *44"key"  <
<>47+:*1+                                     47+:*2+v    "   >^
>                                        >    34*9g"SC":vv     ^
<                                                    v:,_@>"#_"^
>                                                    >  ^      <


The code of this challenge and the one from the previous challenge were very similar. And the corresponding line in the previous snippet was :

>v                                                       <<    ^<

Once we understood using our good old friend Google, that <, >, ^ and v were arrows directing the code execution in 2D, we simply had to align those arrows with the new code.

>232+*""43*52**5+65+:*4::**3:*21+:** "b"$                 v    >
^"78"v $  $ \ $ \ $<"x32P"    _                           "    v
^|%24<"SC{key_Y3ByZXNzZXk=}"  ^7        *:+33 +*27*7 *44"key"  <
<>47+:*1+                                     47+:*2+v    "   >^
v                                                    <        ^<
>                                        >    34*9g"SC":vv     ^
<                                                    v:,_@>"#_"^
>                                                    >  ^      <


So the needed line is :

v                                                    <        ^<

Once submitted we were greeted with a warm
