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Ancient Writings #1

~$ cd ..

To solve this challenge we were given the following text file with a .bf extension:

>232+*""43*52**5+65+:*4::**3:*21+:** "b"$                 v    >
^"78"v $  $ \ $ \ $<"x32P"    _                           "    v
^|%24<"SC{key_Y3ByZXNzZXk=}"  ^7        *:+33 +*27*7 *44"key"  <
<>47+:*1+                                        47+:*2+vv"   >^
v                                                       <<    ^<
>                                        >    34*9g"SC":vv     ^
<                                                    v:,_@>"#_"^
>                                                    >  ^      <


We did not know what on earth that thing could be, so our only clue was the file extension. After a good old Google search we found out that .bf was mainly used by Brainfuck and Befunge programs. It didn’t look like Brainfuck, so we searched for an online Befunge interpreter.

Once we found one on one of our favorite websites, we tried to run it.
